Our mission is to spread our love for Texas A&M by teaching and performing our distinctive style of Country-Western Dance

Howdy! Mark your calenders for the 8th annual Fightin’ Texas Aggie Wrangler Banquet! Banquet will be held on the evening of Saturday, April 12th, 2025 at the Hildebrand Equine Center from 4:00 – 8:00 PM. Our banquet will feature a full meal, a silent auction, an open dance floor, an overview of our year, and a performance from your favorite Texas A&M Country-Western Dance Team (of course!). This isn’t something you want to miss!
Tickets and tables are currently on sale on our marketplace. Please consider sponsoring a table! Individual tickets are also on sale for $45/ person. Dress for banquet is “Sunday Best”, so feel free to show ready to dance up in your jeans and boots!
All questions regarding this event may be directed to our Banquet Coordinator at banquet@wranglers.tamu.edu.
Thanks and Gig 'em!
The 2024-2025 High Flyin', Death Defyin', Internationally Famous, Fightin' Texas Aggie Wranglers