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Groundbreaking Initiatives

Madison Goeppinger

You newbies truly are on the team during exciting times! of course aside from the very unique format that you all had to tryout in, emphasis on technology and developing The Bootstack will bring this organization to levels that has not been seen before. We are doing this that have never happened before in AW history, or at least have never been well documented!

We are obviously re-imagining our website to make it more interactive not only for our external stakeholders but for our current members as well, in providing the team access to greater historical context and resources that provide great examples of what it means to be an Aggie Wrangler. You should never forget what it means to be on this team, and you may not have the best idea yet of what that means, but that’s what these resources are created for.

The rate at which we bring in money from lessons/sponsorships will be the rate at which we will develop The Bootstack. This is a task that falls to all of us, and I only see this initiative accelerating as we continue to merge our spirit of Country - Western dance and Texas A&M with technology.

In this organization, you will get what out what you put in, 100%. Enjoy this semester and next semester being a new member, learning routines and bettering yourself in dance and jitterbug, and know that returning members and officers are setting you up for success once you get yourself in an officer position. It may not seem fun right now going through Newbie “Spring”, but you will definitely cherish the days that you were a newbie with one goal, perform as much as you can.

Don’t let circumstances keep you down. Find a way to make the most out of them and develop in ways you didn’t think possible!

Be great,


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Our mission is to spread our love for Texas A&M by teaching and performing our distinctive style of Country-Western Dance. Our core values are commitment, humility, integrity, respect, partnership, and excellence.

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